Barton Creek West Homeowners Association

Welcome to the Barton Creek West Homeowner's Association Website

Sign Up to Receive Emergency Text Alerts from the BCW HOA Board and Local Agency Capital Area Council on Governments

BCW HOA Board Emergency Text Notifications:

You can sign up to receive emergency text notifications from the BCW HOA Board. This is separate from the neighborhood news/informational emails and will only be used in the event of a true emergency, such as a fire, floods, water/wastewater issues, ice storm, missing person in the Greenbelt, etc.

There are two ways to sign up:

Text from the device that you wish to enroll:
Text to 512-489-0256 and enter BCWtext in the message field.  Hit send. You will get a message, in response, and the system will capture your cell phone number. Please respond to the message and provide us with your name, so that we know who has signed up.

Or sign up online:
Go to, where you will be asked to provide your name, email and mobile number.

To REPORT an emergency in BCW, please call or text 1-512-410-0235, (after calling 911, if applicable). Please save this # as a contact in your cell phone, so that you have it handy, in an emergency situation.  

WARN CENTRAL TEXAS (text alert system through the Capital Area Council of Governments)

Go to to register your cell phone and/or email addresses for all family members or residents under one account. If you have trouble setting this up, call the Capital Area Council of Governments at 512-919-6000.